Monday, July 11, 2016

Building Austerlitz Battlefield, part 4

We leave tomorrow and lots left to do. All 4 of us have the day off and will be putting in time on the table today. Actually 2 of us will finish the table, one will base figures and one will paint the 100 or so buildings. We can do this, no really we can.

One thing about getting short on time, you start prioritizing what you are doing. Like taking pics for a blog. I missed a lot of pics as we scramble to finish. Also some of the pics are at work on my computer and I ain't going back there for them, not till next week. Lets get too the few pics I have.

First up, I was playing with my phone's camera and I found this 360 degree panoramic photo tool. So I took a 180 of the table that you can use your mouse to look around. I posted it to facebook which supports the panoramic mode of pics.

Panoramic Pic of the board

Starting to flock the fields

 Once you decide on your field colors, it goes pretty quick. We paint the field a brown color and then drop the flock right on top. We have a little roller that we use to mash the flock into the paint.

 Lou sculpted Sokolnitz Castle. We did the walls for the Pheasantry with Styrene strips.

 There are 2 ponds on the table. At the time of the battle they were frozen. We are using Envirotex Lite for water, with White paint mixed in.

Here is the table as we left it, Sunday night about midnight.

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